Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Annotated Bib

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Dr.Babbott, Davis. Trial Search. CVU Hinseburg, VT. March 28, 2011.

In response to the act of physician assisted suicide. Dr. Babbott, a retired medical doctor from Fletcher Allen, believes that P.A.S should be permitted, but only if the states law allows the act to be practiced. Dr. Babbott expressed confidently that P.A.S is not a form of murder, "Its not a form of murder because it's generated by the patients, and the physician is not doing anything against the patience will." Dr. Babbott also notes how a patient must be mentally competent if they even were thinking of dieing with dignity -Oregon. He also explains how the 14th Amendment proves why P.A.S should be permitted; that the life of one person and liberty, is that person right of life and liberty. Dr. Babbott though sees nothing positive of P.A.S unless the government permits it.

Dr. Macaulay, Robert. Trial Search. CVU Hinesburg, VT. March 28, 2011.

Dr. Robert Macaulay, a licensed medical doctor of Fletcher Allen Hospital, Vermont, responded to physician assisted suicide in a direct answer, no. Although he thought that it was a good option and should be permitted if the law in the state allows it. He believes that physician assisted suicide shouldn't be a main issue in today's medical setbacks. "We shouldn't be even pondering about P.A.S," Dr. Macaulay states. "We should be trying to better the health care forum." There are only a small portion of people who are terminally ill and actually might end up requesting physician assisted suicide. But, there's only a 1/5 chance that those terminally ill patience will go through with P.A.S. Though, a student asked if pets are allowed to get a lethal injection, why not humans? Macaulay affirmatively answered, we are not pets. The stakes are much different.

Dr. Kevorkian, Jack. "Understanding Controversy of P.A.S." Issues. Michigan, 1999.

Dr. Kevorkian, a retired pathologist and physician in Michigan, will tell you that physician assisted suicide is the right of the specific patient that requests it. Looking at the 14th Amendment, his controversy falls under the fact that every person has the right of life. "If they have the right to life, do they not have the right to death?" Although Kevorkian had the right intentions, he committed a major crime in the 90's. Helping numerous people who had requested the means to take their own lives. He was quickly was evicted of second degree murder and was sent to prison. Dr. Kevorkian doesn't regret his decision, and still believes P.A.S should be an option for any terminally ill person in pain who wants to end their life. His interview with Cooper Anderson justifies his reasoning's of P.A.S; that religion and other backgrounds stopping their decision of P.A.S is false. That all religions believe in eternal happiness and that's what P.A.S gives to most people.  

The American Foundation for Suicide Prevention (AFSP). "Understanding Controversy of P.A.S." Issues. 2011.

The American Foundation for Suicide Prevention, strongly believes that physician assisted suicide is a crime and should be restricted everywhere. Their belief, that religion has a major role in the crime against assisted suicide. In most cultures it is a sin to commit any form of suicide and AFSP backs this up, referring that "Self-murder, (is) a sin that commits their soul to eternal damnation." - Many religions share this same belief. They   
oppose its legislation, contending that with deeper understanding of terminal illness, more people would turn against assisted suicide.There are also some who fear that medical suicide may be abused, literally used to murder the sick and elderly who have become a burden to their families. All in all, their is no positive outcome in physician assisted suicide and they strongly believe it should be prohibited for the sake of life.

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